Everything is free and printable!
Welcome to Free Printables! Everything from here can be printed for free.
All Free Printables are 8-1/2 x 11 with some also available in A4 size.
Some of the free printables are on different websites other than Free-Printables.net. However, all of the sites belong to us, so you can be sure that they are secure and everything is free and printable.
How It Works
All of our websites will allow you to print everything absolutely free. Some will have GIF or PNG files which can be printed using your browser. Many will have free printables in PDF format with buttons to print or download. Everything will be free to print and/or copy to your computer.
Each free printable category or website will have more instructions. Look for Printing Tips and How It Works.
All items can be printed on standard 8-1/2 x 11 inch paper. Some of your items can be enhanced by using fancier or color paper which can be purchased at almost any discount or office supply store. For any questions, comments or help with your free printables on any of our sites, please contact us.